Driveline Motors

Like we said, we are experts to find Driveline Motor quality used engines. We’ve hundreds of engine suppliers inside our networks and we have an excellent system for quality control and accountability. In the time it takes a mechanic to call up several of his buddies, we are able to get you rates on multiple engines from dozens of suppliers and manufacturers. After we get you a great engine at a great price, we can ship it right to your mechanic’s garage by freight. It’s a win-win situation-you get a better price on a much better engine and the mechanic doesn’t need to waste his period playing phone tag with junkyards. But of course, you can call us directly and save even more money.

Either way, you’re likely to pay an enormous sum on a brand new car or throw away money on the markup upon a utilized engine that originates from who knows where.

Alternately, your mechanic may offer to discover a used engine to set up your car. Again, you will have a large markup on the price tag on this part-and you might or may not have any state in where he gets the engine from and even less knowledge regarding the quality of the engine and the reputation of the auto recycler or junkyard that sourced the engine. Many mechanics possess relationships with a couple of auto yards where they get their parts and the do little comparison shopping in your stead, which is definitely understandable-they’d rather be in the garage than on the phone all day.

Another option that your mechanic might recommend can be an in-house engine. If they provide a good price and so are a dedicated engine shop, this could be a good option. But in our experience, we’ve found that only a handful of shops that do engines really have what it takes to do a quality job.
Generally, they’ll source it to another repair shop. And when that occurs, you’ll be charged a significant markup, not to mention the hassle of having to undergo two parties in order to get status improvements and estimates on your own repair.